Directions to the base in Malchin
You want to know the best way to get to the base in Malchin?
Here we briefly introduce you to all travel options!
You want to know the best way to get to the base in Malchin?
Here we briefly introduce you to all travel options!
The nearest airport is in Rostock-Laage, from there it is about 50 minutes by car to the base in Malchin.
A long-distance bus is not available, alternative: BlaBlaCar / Deutsche Bahn
Travelling by train to the station Malchin, from there it is approx. 600 meter the charter base.
If you come by car, take the exit Dobbin-Linstow on the A19 and turn in the directions of Hohen Wangelin/Vollratsruhe. From there you drive approx. 30 minutes along the L20 until Malchin is reached.
Andreas Schröder Taxi - u. Mietwagenunternehmen, Dr.-Wilhelm-Arnold-Str. 3, Tel. 0173/9563412 / (0 39 94) 22 35 61
Taxi Roland Bring, Am Markt 4, Tel. (0 39 94) 23 98 90
Taxi-Max, Steintor-Mauer-Str. 1, Tel (0 39 94) 63 10 90
Here you will find important travel information for check-in.
Have you thought of everything? Here you can find a packing list and additional extras.
You have a long journey or there is not enough space for groceries in your car? Here you can find some supermarkets and shops close to your starting port.